Return Policy

Refund Policy

Not satisfied? Contact us to discuss so we can help meet your expectations.

If you’re not satisfied with your order for any reason, please contact us so we can work together and find a best way to resolve your issue . Digital Direct International takes quality and customer satisfaction very seriously so know we’re committed to do what we can to meet your expectations.

We’ll work with you to make it right – from reprinting your order or issuing an account credit to even refunding you in full. We’ll even cover delivery. Simple and easy.

Our customer care specialists are trained in the art of solving problems. So if you’re not absolutely satisfied, here’s how we can help.

  • As first point of call, contact us and let us know exactly what your issue is.
  • Then, we’ll work with you to find a solution that you’ll be happy with, whether that means reprinting your order at no additional cost or crediting your account so you can place a new order.

Let’s keep the process simple, easy and with your customer satisfaction in mind.