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5 Incredible Benefits of Online DIY Design & Printing Solutions – Digital Direct International

Whether you are an individual or business, there has likely been a time where you wished you had the talent to create a customised professional print or product yourself to promote your business or event. Perhaps you needed the print faster than a professional could turn it around, or maybe you couldn’t afford the additional expense of a qualified designer. Whatever the reason may have been, you no longer need to rely so heavily on others to create your works of art!

Digital Direct International has been devised to help anyone design and create stunning prints, delivered directly to your door. By combining your prefered design platform with our professional print and delivery service, we allow thousands of businesses and individuals of any skill level to create impactful branding, artwork and literature themselves. There are a range of advantages in using an online DIY design and print service like Digital Direct International and below we highlight the 5 incredible benefits of online DIY design and print.

  1. Affordability

Often when organising an event or promoting a small business, you have a budget in mind. A graphic artist or printing company can often charge based on the skill level of the designer and the hours it takes to create a customised solution. Of course, there are situations where this is necessary, but often you have already envisioned the outcome, and could achieve a similar result yourself if you had the right tools.

Being an online print company, there is also no need for shopfronts. This means you aren’t charged a premium on your products to help us run multiple establishments.

Not only do we make it affordable to design and print your works, but we recognise that this gives you an opportunity to generate more money for yourself. Use our platform to promote your passion project, create that start up you always dreamed of or finally turn that side hustle into a functional business. No need to wait until you can afford a graphic designer to create your business cards, flyers, thank you cards or posters for the weekend market… Get started now (link to order platform) with Digital Direct International.


  1. Flexibility

Often we want to use the same elements of a design across multiple applications. For example, if you have artwork designed for an A3 Poster but you want to create a DL Flyer, you want to be able to essentially copy elements of the design over to the flyer so you don’t have to recreate the whole design from scratch. With Digital Direct International this is possible.

Once you have created your design online you can apply it to a vast range of applications and quickly edit out anything that may not suit before sending it off to print! Create a series of event stationary with the same patterns and fonts, create posters and cards to promote a cool event or simply keep your branding cohesive with our user-friendly design platform.

  1. Reduce your carbon footprint

Have you ever designed something yourself and printed it 100 times just to check “how it will look”? Have you spent hours adjusting the print settings to fit as many prints on one page as possible but still can’t get it right? If this is you then you will know what I mean when I say “leave it to the printers.”

Our online design platform integrates seamlessly with our printers so it automatically prepares the art for successful printing once you have submitted it. As experienced printing professionals we only have to print it once, and we print your art edge to edge so there is minimal paper wastage. As an Australian owned and operated company, we are dedicated to protecting our precious resources so you don’t have to waste extra time thinking about your own impact on the environment.

  1. Speed

Online design and print services like Digital Direct International are the perfect solution for last minute events such as markets, sale days or lockdown notifications. Without needing to wait on a designer you can get started on your project straight away. Any time of day, from anywhere in Australia!

With decades of experience in Australian printing and logistics you can also trust that our trackable deliveries will arrive as soon as we can get them to you.

Don’t waste your time fiddling around with Microsoft Paint, teaching yourself a range of Photoshop tutorials, or replacing ink cartridges yourself, simply use one of our customisbale design templates and get started!

  1. You’re in Control

Don’t like how that font looks on your design? No problems, you can change it instantly. You have the best design templates at your fingertips that you can completely customise to suit your branding or design requirements. No need to go back and forth with another party, simply take advantage of our easy-to-use system.

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